


    在萨提克兰的小村庄里, 位于阿尼亚苏耶斯副州,距离阿本古鲁约30公里, 生活正变得越来越好. 推荐买球平台阿勒's rubber business in Côte d'Ivoire – Société Agro-Industrielle de la Comoé (SAIC) – has donated a solar water pump to the village, 为超过12人提供清洁饮用水,000居民.

    这笔捐款是纳什项目的一部分, which means "Thank You" in the local dialect and aims to show our appreciation and commitment to social development for rural communities. The solar-powered water pump will provide the community with safe and clean drinking water, 这是他们长期以来难以获得的东西.

    捐赠, 正好赶上世界水日, 奥古斯丁·阿佩蒂呢, 上汽集团副总经理, 他对水泵对社区的影响表示高兴, “对推荐几个足彩外围app的母亲来说,这是一种解脱, 姐妹, 和女儿! 有那么多人的生活需要改变!"


    该泵能够输送流量为18m的清洁饮用水3 有两个喷泉, 提供足够的水给12个人,000居民 living in the village of Satikran and its surrounding community. Children no longer need to walk long distances to fetch water and can instead focus on attending school, 而妇女现在也可以专注于农业和创收活动.

    捐赠 of the solar water pump is the latest in a long line of social initiatives that 推荐买球平台阿勒 has undertaken in the region. 自2017年以来, 纳什项目奖励了亚洲最优秀的学生, Azaguie, 迪亚玛拉克罗带着书包, 袋, 和笔记本电脑. The programme has also provided tricycles for removing rubbish in the village of Aniassué and conducted awareness campaigns on breastfeeding and nutrition, 使250多名母亲受益, 女孩, 和祖母.

    现在, 加上太阳能动力泵, the community of Satikran will enjoy a new lease of life with a reliable source of clean and safe water free of waterborne diseases. 
